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10 Miles

Ten-mile hike in Bohemia Switzerland, your guide will pick you up at 8am. My email read. I couldn’t think of a time when I had hiked 10 miles, possible in Israel? Or that time my family went to Colorado? I couldn’t remember the distance we went. At least every day in Prague, we hit our 10,000 steps mark. So, we must be prepared.

When we got out of the van, the air was cool. Much colder than that morning in prague. We were in the mountains of the Czech Republic almost at the border of Germany. So close they told us to bring our passports. On the ride over we were given complimentary snacks and water.

When the hike began, it was crowded. Everyone from groups of school children to older couples were hiking to the Pravčická brána, the rock formation that is featured in every advertisement of the park. Next to it is a restaurant for people to grab a quick snack on to refuel before continuing down the trail.

The park felt more accessible than parks I have been to in Texas. While we booked a guided tour, we could have easily taken the train to get to the park. The park also featured a boat ride to give hikers a break and for them to easily get a few miles further down the trail. The trail was clearly marked and there were little cabins that people could rent to stay in the park overnight. The only thing lacking was recycling bins, more trash cans and water fountains.

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